Why does uniform swing work so well? AMS JMM Special Session 2024, San Francisco, 2024-01-06.
Order symmetry: a new fairness criterion for assignment mechanisms AMMCS 2023 Special Session on Decisions and Fairness, Waterloo, 2023-08-14.
Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables (2nd edition!) Smith College Discrete Mathematics Workshop, 2023-05-06.
Multi-district preference modelling American Mathematical Society Fall Sectional Meeting, Amherst, 2022-10-01.
Order Symmetry MATCH-UP 2022, Vienna, 2022-08-25.
Arrow's Theorem HCSSIM Prime Time Theorem, 2022-07-06.
Swing models IMD annual conference (online), 2022-05-14; AMS JMM Special Session 2023, Boston, 2023-01-05.
New algorithms for school choice QUB Easter Workshop on School Choice, Belfast, 2022-04-26.
Power measures and the sequential query process Oldies but Goodies COMSOC Video Seminar, 2022-04-14.
Embedding algebraic generating functions into rational ones AIM Workshop on Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables, 2022-04-04.
Order symmetry: a new fairness criterion for assignment mechanisms UMass Economics Theory Workshop, 2021-09-27; Boston College Microeconomics Seminar, 2021-09-29; Harvard Econ/CS seminar 2021-10-08; UC Irvine IMBS seminar 2021-10-28.
Analytic Combinatorics (in Several Variables) UMass CS Theory Seminar, 2021-09-14.
What is Analytic Combinatorics (good for)? Northeast Combinatorics Network Klatch, online, 2021-04-10.
What is Analytic Combinatorics? UMass Math/Stat TWIGS, University of Massachusetts Amherst, online, 2020-10-06.
New Algorithms for Matching
UMass Math/Stat Math Club, 2020-03-11.
Higher Dimensional Lattice Walks: Connecting Combinatorial and Analytic Behavior
UMass Discrete Math seminar, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2019-10-31.
Also at Dartmouth College 2020-02-04,
ACOW (Stockholm; online) 2020-04-22.
Asymptotic Enumeration in Several Variables: Integrals and Computation
UMass Applied Math seminar, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2019-10-29.
Higher Dimensional Lattice Walks: Connecting Combinatorial and Analytic Behavior
41ACCMCC, Rotorua, 2018-12-13.
ACSV:help wanted from computer algebra(ists)
(with accompanying Sage worksheet)
ICMS2018, Notre Dame University, 2018-07-27.
Some topics in network science
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2017-11-27.
ACSV:help wanted from computer algebra(ists)
(with accompanying Sage worksheet)
Workshop on Computer Algebra in Combinatorics, Erwin Schroedinger Institute Vienna, 2017-11-14.
New algorithms for one-sided matching
Department of Computer Science, Mt Holyoke College, 2017-09-08; UMass Amherst
Mathematics and Statistics, 2017-11-28.
Asymptotics via multivariate generating functions
Colloquium, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2017-09-07.
Overview of current research for CMSS
CMSS day, Auckland, 2017-02-25.
Lattice path asymptotics via Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables
Algebra/Number Theory/Combinatorics seminar, Claremont Colleges, 2016-12-06.
Binary optimization models for computing the frustration index in signed graphs ORSNZ conference, Auckland, 2016-11-29.
Distance-based aggregation rules
IMBS Seminar, UC Irvine, 2016-10-07.
Electoral engineering - simulating vote distributions
INFORMS International, Kona, Hawaii, 2016-06-15.
Average-case analysis of random assignment algorithms
CMSS Seminar, Auckland, 2016-05-02.
The wisdom of networked crowds
CMSS Summer Workshop, Auckland, 2016-02-20.
Lattice path asymptotics via Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables
NZ Mathematics Colloquium, Christchurch, 2015-12-03.
Predicting FPP elections
University of Auckland CMSS Seminar, 2015-10-06.
Lattice path asymptotics via Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables
CANADAM 2015, Saskatoon, 2015-06-01.
Where are the best parliamentary election methods?
CSD Lunchtime Seminar, UC Irvine, 2015-02-23.
Experimental study of belief diffusion
CMSS Summer Workshop, Auckland, 2014-12-09.
Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables
38ACCMCC, Wellington, 2014-12-05.
Overview of CMSS COMPASS, 2014-09-12.
Iterated regret minimization for voting games
COMSOC 2014 Pittsburgh, 2014-06-25.
Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables AEC Sommerschool 2014
Hagenberg, 2014-08-18 to 2014-08-22 (5 lectures).
Distance rationalization of anonymous and homogeneous voting rules
Society for Social Choice and Welfare biennial meeting Boston, 2014-06-20.
Experimental study of influence in social networks
University of Auckland CMSS Seminar, 2014-05-20.
Asymptotics of multivariate generating functions
University of Auckland Mathematics Colloquium, 2014-03-06.
Welfare implications of strategic voting
University of Auckland CMSS summer workshop, 2013-12-11.
Distance rationalization of voting rules
University of Auckland CMSS seminar, 2013-08-20.
Diagonal asymptotics for products of combinatorial classes
AofA2013, Menorca, 2013-05-30.
Electoral engineering via simulation
University of California Davis Political Science Department seminar, 2013-05-22;
University of California Irvine IMBS Seminar, 2013-04-26.
Some probabilistic questions in social choice
University of California Berkeley Probability Seminar, 2013-04-03.
Diffusion models on social networks
University of Auckland CMSS summer workshop, 2013-03-22.
MMP Review Submission
University of Auckland CMSS Seminar, 2012-09-25.
Coordination via Polling in Plurality Voting Games under Inertia
COMSOC 2012 Krakow, 2012-09-13.
Power measures derived from the sequential query process
University of Auckland CMSS Summer Workshop, 2012-02-21.
The Mathematics of Elections
University of Auckland CULMS/CMCT Lecture, 2011-10-18.
2011 referendum simulator
University of Auckland CMSS Seminar (with G. Pritchard), 2011-08-23.
Decisiveness, power, values
University of Auckland CMSS Seminar, 2011-05-10.
Dynamics of voting games: preliminary report
University of Auckland CMSS Summer Workshop, 2010-12-19.
What is computational social choice?
University of Auckland Computer Science Seminar, 2010-10-20.
The probability of safe manipulation
CMSS seminar, University of Auckland, 2010-08-25; COMSOC 2010,
Dusseldorf, 2010-09-10.
A measure of the difficulty of
manipulation of voting rules AAGTSC2010, University of Auckland,
Measuring the manipulability of voting
rules University of Rochester Theory CANAL seminar, 2009-11-16; Union
College Mathematics Department, 2009-11-18.
Higher order asymptotics from
multivariate generating functions University of Pennsylvania
Combinatorics and Probability Seminar, 2009-11-10; Rutgers Experimental
Mathematics Seminar, 2009-11-19.
Asymptotics of coefficients of multivariate
generating functions Workshop in Asymptotic Enumeration, ANU, Canberra,
Polytope computations in social choice
theory Auckland Discrete Mathematics and Social Sciences Seminar 2007-04-23.
The diameter of random Cayley graphs
12th AofA workshop Alden Biesen 2006-07-06
Asymptotics of generalized Riordan arrays
11th AofA workshop Barcelona 2005-06-08
Multivariate generating functions II
CDMTCS seminar Auckland 2005-04-26
Multivariate generating functions I
CDMTCS seminar Auckland 2005-04-12
Sattolo's algorithm
INRIA Rocquencourt 2004-06-28
Towards a theory of multivariate generating functions
INRIA Rocquencourt 2004-06-28
Asymptotics of multivariate generating functions
Melbourne FPSAC conference 2002-07-?
Superalgebras and their uses University of Montana, Missoula 1999-03-09
Primitive ideals in Hopf algebra extensions
San Antonio AMS annual meeting 1999-01-14
Algebras of my acquaintance Auckland
Last updated: 2019-10-31.