
At University of Auckland I taught courses on Algorithms and Data Structures: COMPSCI 220, COMPSCI 320, COMPSCI 720, SOFTENG 250. I also taught COMPSCI 225 and SOFTENG 211, courses in discrete mathematics. I will place historical lecture notes for these here (links have been broken after my departure from the university). My Youtube channel has 22 studio-recorded lectures for COMPSCI 220.

At University of Massachusetts Amherst I taught MATH 370 (Junior Year Writing) and MATH 456 (Mathematical Modeling). I also taught a graduate course in analytic combinatorics. Since moving to CICS at UMass I have taught COMPSCI 240 (Reasoning Under Uncertainty) and INFO 150 (A Mathematical Foundation for Informatics), and will teach COMPSCI 575 (Combinatorics).

Here are some syllabi (those for future or current courses are always under construction):