There is too much to say, but no time to do it. Wikileaks, whatever the motivation and personal foibles of the people involved, has done the world a service and committed no crime of which I am aware. The reaction of politicians especially in the USA has been very revealing, and the withdrawal of support by companies such as Visa, Paypal, Mastercard and Amazon, presumably under political pressure, has been extremely disappointing. Too few people seem to be drawing the correct conclusion: if you don’t want people to find out that you have done bad things, don’t do them! I am still trying to work out how best to involve myself in this issue. For now, here are some links:
WLCentral information clearinghouse
List of Wikileaks mirror sites
Background piece on Assange and Wikileaks by Raffi Khatchadourian
Julian Assange has made us all safer by Johann Hari
Blog of Glenn Greenwald at
The three faces of Uncle Sam by Michael Brenner
The decline and fall of the American empire by Alfred W. McCoy
State Department Humour (if only it wasn’t unintentional)