About me

Born in New Zealand, I received BSc(Hons) from University of Canterbury and PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison, both in mathematics. My PhD genealogy : Donald Passman, Richard Brauer, Issai Schur, Georg Frobenius, Karl Weierstrass (Brauer apparently had two supervisors, so another line goes back to Hilbert, Klein, et al.). My Erdos number is 2. I was a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer (= Assistant Professor/tenured Associate Professor) at University of Auckland School of Computer Science 2001-2019.

When I was much younger, I was a junior chess champion and quiz champion. The 1988 NZ University Challenge final is available to those in NZ. I play some chess online at chess.com. I have also played competitive Scrabble in the past. Other activities that I have some skill at include badminton and downhill skiing.